I'm only evil on the inside.
click on the image for larger view
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Stupid Raikonnen
here i was watching F1 as per normal when our dearest F1 racer takes his car to within 1 lap of victory and doesnt win. What does he do? he allows his right wheel to rattle hard enough to snap his suspension and crash his car.
Instead of pitting in to change his tyre, lose his 10 points for winning and instead settle for 3rd place's 6 points, he gets nothing.
Therefore, we now see Alonso, benefit from Raikonnen's stupidity or ambition and gain another 10 points on the Finn.
As you can tell, this really sucked the rest of my evening.. especially when i was just about to feel happy that Raikonnen is gonna win his 3rd race in a row. Makes me sick to see alonso put his hand up with 4 fingers in the air... Anyhow, its still better than seeing schumacher win race after race..
Enough about this, im now watching CNN about an Inflight Chef. Explaining the issues of cooking at such altitude.. cabin pressures.. and so on about why frying cant be done in flights..
I know i had to put something about food in this blog or lord ch will complain.
anyway, good nite everyone
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Produk Baru: Internet Tablet Nokia mudahkan capaian
NOKIA Corp (Nokia) memperkenalkan tablet telapak, Internet Tablet, untuk melayari web melalui sambungan jalur lebar tanpa wayar yang menjadikannya produk bukan telefon pertama syarikat ini, selain merealisasikan usaha menghasilkan perkakasan internet bagi mengakses online di rumah.
Produk yang baru diperkenalkan Rabu lalu itu akan dipasarkan musim panas ini menggunakan sumber operasi sumber terbuka Linux berbanding platform Symbian yang Nokia gunakan untuk telefon pintar.
Dengan harga RM1,330 (AS$350), Internet Tablet menjadi alternatif kepada membeli sebuah komputer peribadi (PC) tambahan atau laptop bagi kegunaan dalam bilik selain menyediakan konsep mudah dan cepat untuk sambungan ke web.
Ia tidak dilengkapi pemacu keras, hanya flash memory terbina 128 Mb serta slot kad memori.
Nokia menegaskan produk itu bukan bertujuan untuk menyaingi iPod Apple Computer Inc (Apple) atau pemain muzik MP3.
Awal tahun depan beberapa ciri akan disediakan seperti suara melalui telefoni internet (VoIP) dan mesej pendek apabila usaha peningkatan perisian dilaksanakan.
Memandangkan ia dicipta untuk dibawa dari bilik ke bilik, skrin 4.1 inci itu dianggap kecil berbanding kebanyakan paparan perkakasan lain tetapi dilihat lebih besar dan tajam berbanding kebanyakan telefon bimbit dan komputer telapak.
Beratnya hanya setengah paun menggunakan browser Opera dan tidak disediakan papan kekunci untuk menaip sebagaimana pada Treo dan BlackBerry tetapi disediakan bersama papan kekunci maya pada skrin.
Internet Tablet ini dicipta khusus untuk penggunaan di rumah dan melalui pemancar WiFi, ia juga boleh dihubungkan dengan hotspot awam atau komersial.
Juga disediakan port USB untuk sambungan ke PC selain pemancar Bluetooth yang boleh digunakan untuk sambungan ke telefon bimbit yang mempunyai akses online selular.
Yala sudah x selamat lagi...
Ketika mendedahkannya semalam, Pongsak berkata, antara alasan utama diberikan penduduk terbabit adalah ancaman keselamatan dan harta benda mereka di Yala, salah sebuah bandar yang paling digemari kerana kecantikan alam semula jadinya.
“Kita tidak pernah berdepan perpindahan besar-besaran sepertinya. Ini disebabkan Yala sendiri adalah bandar yang dikenali dan disukai kerana udaranya yang bersih dan banyak taman yang sesuai untuk kegiatan riadah.
“Oleh itu, tiada faktor lain kecuali ketegangan yang berlaku sekarang,” katanya dalam temu bual dengan agensi berita Agence France-Presse (AFP).
Lebih 670 orang terbunuh dalam beberapa kejadian sejak Januari 2004 yang dipersalahkan ke atas anggota pemisah di wilayah yang majoriti penduduknya beragama Islam selain bersempadankan Malaysia.
Serangan hampir setiap hari berlaku di kawasan itu termasuk tembak menembak, pengeboman, kejadian bunuh dan membakar harta benda awam yang membabitkan kakitangan kerajaan, sami Buddha dan orang awam.
Menurut datuk bandar itu, tindakan pemindahan beramai-ramai itu jelas memberi kesan negatif ke atas Yala yang pernah mendapat pengiktirafan dalam bentuk anugerah oleh agensi PBB, Unesco pada 2002-2003 sebagai bandar keamanan.
Pongsak berkata, maklumat yang ada padanya menunjukkan wilayah Yala kekurangan 12,000 penduduk pada Mei lalu berbanding awal tahun lalu. – AFP
Statistik Kementerian Dalam Negeri yang berasingan pula menunjukkan pada akhir 2004, seramai 11,609 orang lagi penduduk berhijrah keluar berbanding masuk ke empat wilayah Selatan berkenaan.
“Saya difahamkan yang ramai golongan berada di Haadyai mahu menjual rumah mereka selepas tiga letupan bom bulan lalu,” katanya merujuk kepada serangan bom di wilayah Songkhla, salah satu daripada empat kawasan utama di Selatan selain Pattani, Narathiwat dan Yala.
Pongsak menggesa kerajaan mengadakan langkah seperti melonggarkan peraturan cukai bagi membantu golongan usahawan di Yala, Narathiwat, Pattani dan Songkhla berkenaan.–AFP
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Sebenarnya kedua-dua aku tak minat.
sebab, apa yang aku harapkan sebenarnya ialah chelsea yg dapat masuk ke Final (dengan keupayaannya)...oleh kerana masa lawan liverpool ari tu dia 'kalah' (walaupun rakaman komputer membuktikan gol yg dijaringkan itu tak masuk) jadi secara peribadinya aku tak sokonglah liverpool.
dan oleh kerana itu jugalah aku harapkan dalam final, acmilan dapat tundukkan liverpool.
separuh masa pertama, acmilan berjaya menjaringkan gol 3-0. seronok gak masa tu....
dan separuh masa kedua lak, liverpool menyamai kedudukan. 3-3.
fight giler game...
dan secara keseluruhan game ni aku nampak acmilan yg mengawal permainan. menyerang dan terus menyerang.... tapi ianya terus berkesudahan ngan seri 3-3 hingga memaksa perlawanan ditentukan dengan penalti...
penalti ni sapa2 pun takleh agak keputusannya kan?
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
AC Milan puas harungi jatuh bangun
ISTANBUL - Dianggap sebagai salah satu kuasa besar dalam bola sepak, AC Milan akan beraksi pada perlawanan akhir ke-10 Piala Eropah di sini, esok menentang pasukan Liga Perdana England, Liverpool.
Namun kelab gergasi Itali, yang sudah enam kali menjulang kejuaraan Eropah dan 17 kali muncul juara liga tempatan jarang muncul sebagai kuasa besar di Eropah.
Pada penghujung musim 1979/80, mereka tersingkir dari saingan Serie A walaupun menamatkan kedudukan di tangga ketiga liga akibat pengurusan kewangan yang tidak teratur.
Ketika Liverpool menyapu bersih kejuaraan dengan menjulang trofi kejohanan Eropah pada 1981, Milan beraksi dalam divisyen dua liga Itali.
Milan dinaikkan ke Serie A pada musim berikutnya tetapi terpaksa diturunkan apabila hanya memenangi tujuh perlawanan sahaja.
Kelab itu bangkit lagi dan pada musim 1983/84 mereka menamatkan saingan liga di tangga kelapan.
Bagaimanapun prestasi mereka yang tidak konsisten di padang selain kegagalan ahli lembaga pengarah kelab mengendalikan pengurusan kewangan dengan baik menyaksikan Milan muflis.
Ketika itu, muncul Silvio Berlusconi, seorang jutawan media yang kini Perdana Menteri Itali yang tidak sanggup melihat pasukan yang disokongnya tersungkur dan pada tahun 1986 beliau membuat keputusan untuk membeli kelab berkenaan.
Perkara pertama yang dilakukan Berlusconi ialah melabur secara besar-besaran dalam sistem pemain remaja kelab sebelum memodenkan padang latihan di Milanel yang kemudian dicemburui oleh kelab-kelab besar Eropah.
Berlusconi kemudian memperjudikan nasib dengan mengambil jurulatih berinovasi, Arrigo Sacchi yang memiliki idea corak permainan menyerang.
Sacchi diberi peruntukkan kewangan yang besar dan mengambil pemain yang kurang dikenali ketika itu iaitu trio Belanda, Marco van Basten Ruud Gullit dan Frank Rijkaard, yang mana tidak lama kemudian mereka menjadi legenda AC Milan.
Mereka menjadi tulang belakang pasukan dan bersama-sama dengan pemain Milan yang lain seperti Franco Baresi, Mauro Tassotti dan Paolo Maldini, Milan tidak mampu disekat.
Mereka menewaskan Napoli untuk menjulang kejuaraan Serie A pada 1988 dan pada tahun berikutnya mereka membelasah Steaua Bucharest 4-0 pada perlawanan akhir Piala Eropah selepas menyingkirkan Real Madrid di separuh akhir.
Penguasaan Milan di Eropah berterusan pada tahun berikutnya.
Mereka menewaskan Benfica 1-0 pada final 1990 sebelum Sacchi meletakan jawatan untuk menerima tawaran melatih pasukan kebangsaan.
Berlusconi kemudian mendapatkan khidmat Fabio Capello dan pada musim 1991/92 mereka menjulang kejuaraan Serie A tanpa kalah satu perlawanan dan menjaringkan 74 gol, lebih 29 gol berbanding pasukan di tangga kedua, Juventus.
Saat terbaik Capello menjelma pada 1994 apabila Milan menewaskan pasukan bimbingan Johan Cruyff, pada final 1994 di Athens. - AFP
Malaysia `borong' anugerah terbaik -- Penganjur Bot Laju Dunia
KUALA LUMPUR - Bunyinya agak pelik! Tetapi itulah masalah yang sedang dihadapi penganjur bot laju du-nia di negara ini, H2O Sports Sdn. Bhd.
Yang menghairankan, Ahad lalu Malaysia sekali lagi dipilih Kesatuan Motonautique Antarabangsa (UIM) sebagai penganjur terbaik bot laju dunia buat tahun keempat berturut-turut.
Bagaimanapun dalam gembira dibuai reputasi sehebat itu, tidak siapa menyangka Malaysia sebenarnya masih belum mempunyai venue tetap untuk menganjurkan perlumbaan bot laju dunia di negara ini.
Sejak terpilih menganjurkan perlumbaan itu pada 2001, H2O terpaksa berpindah randah sebanyak tiga kali kerana tidak mempunyai venue tetap seperti perlumbaan kereta Formula Satu di Sepang.
Pada 2001, perlumbaan diadakan di Tanjung Puteri, Johor kemudian dipindahkan ke Tasik Mines, Seri Kembangan pada 2002 dan 2003.
Tahun lalu, ia berpindah lagi ke Tasik Putrajaya di Presint 8. Persoalannya, kena pindah ke mana pula selepas ini?
Kecewa kerana `ditendang seperti bola', H2O Sports semalam tampil merayu kepada kerajaan untuk menyediakan satu venue tetap bagi perlumbaan bot laju ini.
Pengarah Urusannya, Datuk Yahya A. Jalil berkata, satu venue tetap penting kerana di situ ia akan menjadi pusat pembangunan dan pertandingan sukan bot laju di negara ini.
``Dari segi menganjurkannya, satu venue tetap dapat menjimatkan kos di samping memudahkan kita menaiktaraf kemudahan yang ada dari semasa ke semasa,'' ujarnya.
Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas majlis pe-ngumuman Malaysia sebagai penganjur terbaik bot laju dunia buat kali keempat di sini, se-malam.
Pemilihan Malaysia itu dibuat pada majlis makan malam dan anugerah UIM di Club Naval de Portimao, Portugal pada 21 Mei lalu.
Pengarah H2O Sports, Abu Bakar Kassim mewakili Malaysia menerima anugerah yang tidak disangka-sangka itu daripada promoter bot laju dunia, Nicolo Di San Germano.
``Kita memang tidak menyangka langsung akan menang kerana selain tidak punya venue tetap, Arab Saudi, China dan UAE dilihat lebih hebat menganjurkannya.
``Cuma kelebihan kita ialah kelancaran, keindahan Tasik Putrajaya serta usaha inovatif mengadakan acara sampingan seperti karnival, kehadiran penonton, persembahan dan kemudahan yang disediakan,'' tegas Jalil.
Menerusi kejayaan itu beliau percaya, hasrat Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi untuk mempromosi Putrajaya sebagai destinasi sukan air dunia sudah tercapai.
Cetak rompak - 10 langkah elak berlaku di pejabat
CETAK rompak merupakan satu masalah serius. Ia bukan sahaja berlaku di rumah tetapi juga di pejabat-pejabat sama ada bersaiz kecil atau besar.
Bagi syarikat, masalah ini sememangnya dikhuatiri oleh pengurus teknologi maklumat (IT) dan juga ketua pegawai eksekutif kerana mereka merupakan orang yang akan bertanggungjawab jika syarikat itu didakwa kerana masalah cetak rompak.
Disebabkan beberapa faktor, terdapat banyak syarikat yang menggunakan perisian tidak berlesen tanpa sengaja atau disedari.
Ini mungkin berlaku sama ada melalui amalan perolehan perisian yang tidak sempurna, pekerja menyalahgunakan perisian syarikat untuk hiburan atau keuntungan sendiri atau pengguna yang tidak memahami bagaimana perjanjian pelesenan berfungsi.
Walaupun sesebuah syarikat mungkin ingin menunjukkan komitmennya untuk akur kepada polisi perisian, tetapi ramai juga menggangap ia satu yang membebankan.
Selain daripada menggunakan perisian dengan kos yang efektif, pematuhan polisi rangkaian juga membantu syarikat-syarikat menentukan jenis perisian yang digunakan oleh semua di dalam organisasi dan menjimatkan wang untuk pembelian perisian.
Tambahan lagi, dengan mengekalkan pematuhan polisi perisian, sesebuah syarikat akan mengehadkan potensi liabilitinya bagi pencabulan hak cipta daripada penggunaan perisian tidak berlesen.
Terdapat beberapa langkah mudah yang boleh diikuti untuk membantu sesebuah syarikat mengekalkan suasana perisian yang baik, tidak mengira saiz organisasi tersebut.
Pelaksanaan dan penyenggaraan menjadi mudah sekiranya anda memahami asasnya.
Mengetahui apa yang anda miliki akan membantu anda mengenal pasti unsur-unsur tersembunyi yang tidak diingini.
Langkah 1: Lakukan inventori perkakasan
Mengenali komputer peribadi dan pelayan (server) adalah langkah pertama yang dapat membantu pengurus IT lebih memahami sesuatu masalah.
Pengurus harus cuba mencari maklumat spesifik mengenai perkakasan yang dimiliki syarikat termasuk lokasi, pemilik, model dan spesifikasi perkakasan seperti unit pemprosesan sepusat (CPU), pemacu cakera keras (HDD) dan ingatan capaian rawak (RAM).
Langkah 2: Lakukan inventori perisian
Langkah ini boleh dilakukan sebagai sebahagian daripada inventori perkakasan.
Susun maklumat mengenai perisian yang telah dipasang di dalam perkakasan anda dengan menyenaraikan dan membuat ringkasan maklumat, termasuk pengedar perkakasan, jenis produk, versi dan tarikh dikeluarkan.
Langkah 3: Lakukan inventori lesen perisian
Kumpulkan semua bukti pembelian lesen perisian dan buat ringkasan maklumat untuk rekod anda.
Sertakan maklumat mengenai pengedar perisian, nama produk, jenis, versi, pengeluaran, bahasa, kuantiti dan nombor siri di dalam rekod anda.
Langkah 4: Pastikan perjanjian lesen yang berkaitan
Selain daripada maklumat asas lesen perisian yang dimiliki oleh syarikat anda, sertakan juga di dalam rekod maklumat terperinci mengenai segala terma dan syarat serta model-model pelesenan.
Lesen perisian yang berlainan mempunyai terma dan syarat yang berbeza, jadi walaupun prosedur pengendalian anda mungkin mengikuti syarat salah satu daripada lesen perisian, ia mungkin tidak menepati beberapa syarat lesen perisian yang lain.
Langkah 5: Kenal pasti dan catat topologi rangkaian
Selain daripada mengetahui apa yang anda miliki, anda juga harus mengetahui di mana ia digunakan.
Menyediakan satu carta topologi rangkaian, anda mampu untuk lebih memahami hubungan antara pelayan (server) dan perkhidmatan yang diberikan.
Anda juga harus mengetahui saluran boleh dicapai (accessibility) seperti di mana pengguna akhir komputer peribadi boleh mengakses sumber pelayan dan di mana lesen akses pelanggan lazimnya diperlukan.
Langkah 6: Ringkasan pengguna rangkaian pelayan
Langkah ini lazimnya boleh dilakukan dengan mengira jumlah pengguna yang diberi kebenaran untuk mengakses perisian pelayan tertentu.
Langkah 7: Kesimpulan
Setelah anda membuat perbandingan dan kesimpulan semua maklumat perisian komputer peribadi, bandingkan maklumat perisian yang telah dipasang dengan maklumat lesen perisian.
Untuk perisian pelayan, bandingkan maklumat pengguna dan topologi rangkaian dengan jumlah pelayan dan lesen akses pelanggan.
Sekiranya terdapat perbezaan, anda sama ada mempunyai lesen yang lebih atau kurang untuk menggunakan sesuatu produk.
Langkah 8: Gunakan semula aset perisian
Setelah anda mengenal pasti sebarang kekurangan, kini anda boleh menumpukan kepada pembelian baki lesen perisian.
Sudah menjadi kebiasaan pada masa ini untuk menemui jenis produk atau versi yang tidak sama.
Pada masa ini, anda boleh memilih untuk mendapatkan tingkat taraf yang lebih murah tetapi sama keberkesanannya atau ketahui lebih lanjut mengenai skim pelesenan besar yang mampu membantu anda menjimatkan wang sambil mendapatkan apa yang diperlukan.
Sekiranya anda mempunyai jumlah lesen berlebihan dari apa yang telah dipasang (installed), anda boleh memilih untuk mengenal pasti bahagian organisasi anda yang mungkin mampu memanfaatkan lesen perisian berlebihan, dan ``gunakan semula'' aset perisian tersebut.
Langkah 9: Takrifkan polisi pengurusan perisian
Segala yang anda telah lakukan tidak akan bermakna sekiranya ia tidak disampaikan kepada sasaran anda.
Seorang pengurus IT yang efektif harus memastikan semua pekerja memahami kesungguhan dan kesan pencabulan lesen perisian.
Dengan mendefinisikan polisi pengurusan perisian yang menjelaskan apa yang boleh atau tidak boleh dilakukan oleh pekerja dan juga hukuman sekiranya mereka melanggar polisi tersebut, anda pasti mampu melindungi harta syarikat.
Setelah anda menentukan polisi tersebut, rancang satu strategi untuk menyampaikannya dengan jelas kepada organisasi anda.
Langkah 10: Lakukan audit perisian dalaman
Sebagai sebahagian langkah penyelenggaraan tetap anda, kerap lakukan audit dalaman untuk memastikan bahawa polisi tersebut diakuri dan kenal pasti pencabulan polisi tersebut secepat yang mungkin.
Setelah anda memastikan sistem ini berjalan lancar, anda akan mendapat jaminan bahawa anda telah melakukan segala yang perlu bagi memelihara sebuah rangkaian yang sihat di dalam organisasi anda, dengan mengurangkan risiko menyalahi undang-undang hak cipta tanpa sengaja.
Lakukan audit ke atas semua komputer anda dan hantarkannya untuk mendapat pengecualian 2 tahun daripada penguatkuasaan yang dimulakan Business Software Alliance (BSA) sebelum 31hb Mei 2005.
Sekiranya anda memerlukan maklumat lanjut mengenai pengauditan perisian dan pengurusan aset perisian, sila hubungi talian Pertanyaan Audit BSA di 03-2164 4217 atau kunjungi www.bsa.org/malaysia
Monday, May 16, 2005
When Is a Baked-Bean Can a Wi-Fi Network Antenna?
Is using an empty baked-bean can to grab a Wi-Fi signal from a mile away high technology? The answer is yes if you're an entrant in Intel's International Science and Engineering Fair being held this week in Phoenix.
Steven Buss, an 18-year-old Wi-Fi buff from Palm City, Florida, built three different types of antennas to see which provided the greatest range for his wireless network. The best performer, made from a "biquad" antenna and a used DirectTV satellite dish bought on EBay, picked up the wireless signal 1.3 miles away.
But the cheapest and easiest, the one he calls a "cantenna," made from an empty baked-bean can, let him connect to his 802.11b wireless network from almost as far--a mile away.
Buss ran his experiments using an IBM ThinkPad on a long, straight Florida road to avoid obstacles that can block a wireless signal.
Cold Call
Tired of getting into a cold car before work in the middle of winter? Marc Ingram's new invention lets you literally phone your car, punch in a six-digit password, and start warming up the auto while you finish breakfast.
The high school senior from Louisville, Kentucky, says the device he calls the AutoAttendant is a regular cell phone with a "big boosted antenna," so your car would have its very own phone number. The phone connects to the same type of automated voice router that businesses use.
That call router connects into the car's controls with a variety of wires, Ingram says. But you also could connect those wires to a home appliance, for example. Are you a worrywart traveler? Call home, press 4, and turn off the stove.
Point It Out
Chris Messick, a sophomore in Monte Vista, Colorado, says he got his project idea after his aunt's wayward mouse "clicked wrong" and wiped out some precious database work.
So he wired up a white leather golf glove with fingertip sensors and cabled it into his
" type="hidden"> SEARCHNews | News Photos | Images | Web" type="hidden"> Windows XP desktop. Now when he moves his index finger, the cursor follows.
"To click, you can touch any one of your other fingers to your thumb," he says. "The middle finger is a left-click, the ring finger is a right-click, and the pinky activates and deactivates the pointer" for uninterrupted typing.
Gamers take note: Chris says being able to give mouse commands without having to move your hand from the keyboard to the mouse could "give you a little bit of an edge."
All three are competing with 1300 other young scientists from around the world at this week's Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.
The science fair, which ends May 14, will award $3 million in college scholarships, computers, internships, and other prizes as individual and team awards. Three finalists will walk away with scholarships worth $50,000.
Ingram and Messick say they are both working on obtaining patents, an expensive process that Ingram says may cost him over $10,000. They both plan to fine-tune their inventions, hoping to get them to the marketplace.Saturday, May 14, 2005
Kad MoMo dompet maya guna telefon bimbit
KONSEP pembayaran menggunakan telefon bimbit di negara ini akan menjadi nyata apabila HarvestNet Sdn Bhd (HarvestNet) memperkenalkan secara komersial teknologi duit dalam telefon bimbit atau dikenali kad MoMo, pada suku ketiga tahun ini.
Kad MoMo akan bertindak sebagai dompet maya mudah alih yang membolehkan pengguna hanya mengimbas kad berkenaan pada pembaca untuk membeli sesuatu barang.
Pengarah Perniagaan HarvestNet, Nyou Wei Fung, berkata kad ini menggunakan teknologi cip IC tanpa sentuhan atau RFID yang dibangunkan oleh Sony bercirikan kad pintar yang bakal digunakan bagi pembayaran tanpa tunai.
Katanya, kad MoMo bersaiz hanya satu per enam daripada saiz kad kredit mungkin diperkenalkan tiga atau empat bulan lagi yang mana ia boleh digunakan pada kebanyakan alat komunikasi mudah alih antaranya seperti telefon bimbit, PDA dan pemain MP3.
“Teknologi cip IC tanpa sentuh ini kini digunakan dengan meluas dalam kad pengangkutan awam serta telefon bimbit di Jepun dan kad MoMo yang berasaskan penggunaan telefon bimbit ini adalah yang pertama pernah diperkenalkan di Malaysia,” katanya pada sidang akhbar sempena prapelancaran kad itu di Subang, Khamis lalu.
Kad MoMo ini boleh diperoleh melalui penjual yang bakal dilantik dan nilai tunai akan dimasukkan apabila pengguna membelinya dan tambah nilai tunai boleh dilakukan melalui penjual berkenaan.
Kad itu hanya perlu dilekatkan pada telefon bimbit pengguna dan ia hanya perlu diimbas pada terminal atau pembaca kad berkenaan yang disediakan di setiap kedai yang turut serta dalam projek itu.
Nyou berkata, sebagai permulaan, projek ini akan memanfaatkan kepakarannya sebagai integrasi sistem (SI) untuk mobile dan e-niaga dalam mewujudkan prasarana bagi dompet mudah alih maya membabitkan saiz pembelian kecil dan besar.
“Kami merancang memperkenalkan 100,000 kad MoMo dan melantik 300 peruncit dalam tempoh setahun dengan menjuruskan kepada pengguna di Lembah Klang,” katanya.
O2 Xda IIi lewati batas kelajuan
Masih mengekalkan rupa bentuk klasiknya, O2 Xda IIi diperhebat dengan lebih kefungsian dan kecekapan daripada sebuah peranti anggun berwarna hitam dan perak. Ia paling sesuai bagi profesional yang perlukan kelajuan dan sentiasa terhubung.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif, O2 Asia, Mark Billington, berkata, “Pelanggan sentiasa dahagakan inovasi dan kami sentiasa cuba memenuhinya berasaskan teknologi terbaik di pasaran dan dipakej ke dalam sebuah peranti dengan reka bentuk paling anggun.
“Dalam persekitaran perniagaan yang mencabar sekarang, profesional semestinya ingin lebih anjal dan bebas ke sana sini dalam usaha bertindak pantas terhadap sebarang perubahan, di samping menerajui pertumbuhan trend ke arah peranti lengkap yang menggabungkan kefungsian terbaik dari sebuah PDA dengan ciri telefoni mudah alih termaju,” katanya.
O2 Xda IIi adalah hasil secara langsung dalam usaha memahami kehendak pelanggan. Dari kemasan perak dan reka bentuk cemerlangnya, diperkuat pemproses Intel XScale PXA 272 520 MHz dan sistem operasi Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition untuk memenuhi pelbagai keperluan eksekutif perniagaan.
Disebabkan kecekapan dan kelajuan menjadi antara faktor kejayaan, pengguna sibuk akan menghargai bagaimana ia menganjurkan maklumat penting secara pantas dan mudah menggunakan aplikasi ActiveSync: jadual temu janji, senarai hubungan, buku alamat dan e-mel juga boleh diselarikan antara O2 Xda IIi dengan komputer laptop dalam masa beberapa saat saja.
Selain WiLAN, ia dilengkap juga fungsi pejabat mudah alih terkini termasuk Bluetooth 1.2 dan suit penuh aplikasi produktiviti perniagaan seperti Microsoft Outlook, Excel, Word dan Internet Explorer.
O2 Xda IIi sudah berada di pasaran dijual dengan harga RM3588 serta jaminan setahun.
Badan luar menyiasat polis.
KUALA LUMPUR: Laporan Suruhanjaya Penambahbaikan Perjalanan dan Pengurusan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM), yang akan diedarkan kepada umum mulai Isnin ini, antara lain mencadangkan penubuhan badan luar dan bebas untuk menerima dan menyiasat aduan mengenai polis.
Pengerusinya, Tun Mohamed Dzaiddin Abdullah, berkata penubuhan badan dikenali sebagai Suruhanjaya Bebas Aduan dan Salah Laku Polis melalui satu akta Parlimen itu amat penting sebagai kesinambungan kewujudan suruhanjaya penambahbaikan yang tamat perkhidmatannya awal bulan ini.
Suruhanjaya bebas itu, katanya, akan memastikan setiap peraturan dalam PDRM dipatuhi sepenuhnya oleh pegawai dan anggota, manakala sebarang perlanggaran undang-undang oleh anggota dikesan serta diperbaiki segera.
Pihaknya yakin penubuhan badan bebas itu amat penting untuk meningkatkan semula keyakinan rakyat terhadap pasukan polis selaku agensi penguatkuasaan undang-undang dan penjaga keamanan negara.
Beliau berkata, peranan badan pemerhati luar dan bebas untuk menerima dan menyiasat aduan ke atas PDRM dan anggotanya selain mengesan, menyiasat dan menghalang berlakunya unsur rasuah serta mencegah salah laku yang serius dalam PDRM.
“Kita akan menyediakan draf rang undang-undang supaya satu akta mengenai penubuhan suruhanjaya bebas itu dapat dibentang dan diluluskan Parlimen.
“Kita juga mencadangkan tujuh pesuruhjaya yang dilantik oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong yang pengerusinya mempunyai latar belakang perundangan atau setara dengan hakim mahkamah tinggi.
“Ahlinya pula tidak boleh dianggotai oleh polis atau bekas polis untuk memastikan ia benar-benar bebas dan telus dalam menjalankan tugasnya,” katanya pada sidang media di sini, semalam.
Hadir sama ialah setiausaha suruhanjaya itu yang juga Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Keselamatan Dalam Negeri, Datuk Hamzah Md Rus.
Mohamed Dzaiddin berkata, badan bebas itu juga akan bekerjasama dengan Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) dan agensi lain yang berkaitan.
Idea penubuhan satu badan bebas memantau pasukan polis itu diperoleh hasil lawatan suruhanjaya berkenaan di beberapa negara, termasuk Singapura, Australia, Hong Kong dan United Kingdom (UK) yang terbukti berjaya memantapkan pasukan polis mereka, sekali gus imej pasukan itu dihormati.
Beliau berkata, siasatan suruhanjaya itu juga mendapati ramai anggota polis yang terlatih tidak digunakan sepenuhnya untuk menjalankan tugas teras kepolisan menyebabkan pembaziran tenaga, kemahiran dan pengalaman.
“Sehubungan itu, kita mencadangkan supaya anggota terlatih itu diberikan tugas teras mereka, manakala tugas lain seperti mengambil dan menaip laporan polis dilakukan kakitangan awam dalam pasukan itu.
“Ia juga dapat mengatasi masalah kekurangan anggota polis dan mengurangkan bebanan tugas mereka,” katanya.
Mohamed Dzaiddin berkata, dalam laporan setebal 433 muka surat dan mengandungi 125 cadangan itu suruhanjaya itu turut menyarankan supaya PDRM memberikan tumpuan kepada tiga perkara utama, iaitu mengurangkan jenayah, membanteras rasuah dan memastikan hak asasi manusia dipatuhi sepenuhnya kerana isu itu banyak dibangkitkan.
“Cadangan yang terkandung dalam laporan itu adalah untuk membantu mewujudkan pembaharuan dalam doktrin polis, fungsi, organisasi, sistem pengurusan, perundangan dan bidang tugas mereka dan proses kerja.
“Objektif utamanya ialah mewujudkan perkhidmatan polis yang moden, bersemangat waja dan cekap, bersih dan amanah serta sentiasa berkhidmat untuk rakyat dan negara dengan penuh integriti dan menghormati hak asasi manusia,” katanya.
Laporan itu yang akan mula dijual kepada orang ramai dengan harga RM100 senaskhah boleh diperoleh daripada pejabat suruhanjaya itu di Bangunan Wisma Selangor Dredging di sini.
Isnin ini, hanya naskhah Bahasa Malaysia dijual, manakala bahasa Inggeris mula dijual keesokannya. Sebagai permulaan, suruhanjaya itu mencetak 500 naskhah untuk diedarkan.
Laporan itu dikemukakan kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Syed Putra Jamalullail pada 29 April lalu.
Kelmarin, akhbar melaporkan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berkata, mesyuarat Kabinet memutuskan laporan lengkap suruhanjaya itu akan diterbitkan sebagai dokumen awam mulai Isnin ini.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Turn your home into a streamyx hotspot
CYBERJAYA: Internet service provider TM Net Sdn Bhd has launched its “streamyx hotspot@home” broadband kit that includes a wireless access point with router and an ADSL modem.
The kit lets users connect to the Internet wirelessly without the need for local area network (LAN) wiring.
Users can also create a home network, although each computer on the network will require a WiFi access card. The wireless access point has a range of 200m outdoors and 100m indoors, TM Net said.
The do-it-yourself hotspot@home kit comes with the wireless access point, WiFi card, tmnet hotspot prepaid card worth RM19, user manual, set-up CD, RJ-45 and RJ-11 cables, splitter and an AC power supply adaptor.
Subscribers who need help to install the service will have to pay an RM88 fee.
Customers who do not want the WiFi card can opt for a USB 2.0 thumb-drive, which will be made available from May 15.
The kit is available for new subscribers of TM Net’s streamyx basic 512Kbps (kilobits per second) and streamyx basic 1Mbps (megabits per second) broadband service packages that do not include a modem.
The company is also throwing in three months free access to its BlueHyppo Melting Pot broadband channel, as well as a waiver on its RM75 streamyx activation fee.
The hotspot@home kit is currently selling for RM299, which is a discount from the regular RM621 retail price. The offer expires on July 31, TM Net said.
Datuk Baharum Salleh, TM Net Sdn Bhd chief executive officer, said: “We see a growing interest in wireless broadband at home, as home users are becoming more familiar with wireless Internet access at locations such as sidewalk cafes, shopping complexes and airports.”
The company also hopes to accelerate WiFi use at the more than 600 hotspot locations TM Net has nationwide with the introduction of the hotspot@home kit.
For more information, including terms and conditions for the offers, go to www.tm.net.my, call TM Net’s Customer Interaction Centre at 1-300-88-1500 or e-mail custcare@tm.net.my.
School bus operators will charge 10% more from June
PETALING JAYA: Taking a leaf from the airline industry, school bus operators will impose a diesel “surcharge” from next month in light of the increase in diesel price.
But Commercial Vehicle Licensing Board (CVLB) chairman Baharum Mohamed warned that school bus operators who raise their rates without authorisation could lose their licence.
Federation of Malaysian School Bus Operators Association president Chee Ah Tey said that to cushion the impact of the higher diesel price, the members had no choice but to ask parents to pay 10% more for their services.
“Diesel price recently increased by 25%. We have to absorb 15% of the difference, but we can’t survive if we have to bear the full amount,” he said yesterday.
The surcharge works up to between RM3 and RM10 depending on the principal fare which is calculated based on the distance between the student’s house and school.
“We have informed some of the parents and they have been very understanding and agreed to pay. The parents know that we don’t make much money,” he said.
The price of diesel went up by 20 sen a litre and petrol by 10 sen on May 5.
When the price of jet fuel rose from US$46 (RM174.80) per barrel in May last year to US$69.72 (RM264.94) per barrel on March 17, the Government allowed Malaysia Airlines to impose a fuel surcharge of between RM7.50 and RM15 for domestic flights effective May 1.
The Government also approved an increase in the surcharge for international flights, which first came into effect in June last year, from RM50 to RM76 for long-haul flights and from RM15 to RM38 for regional flights.
Chee said that several school bus operators had already raised their fares but the majority of the 12,000 members under the federation would charge new rates from June 1.
Despite Baharum's warning that the board would suspend or revoke the licence of school bus operators caught increasing fares without authorisation, Chee said they had to charge more because they were struggling to survive.
Chee acknowledged that the federation had not sought the CVLB’s approval to increase their charges but a meeting would be held with members early next month to decide on the quantum of increment in bus fare and a memorandum on the matter would be forwarded to the CVLB.
“We plan to ask for about 30% increase in school bus fares as the last revision of fares was in 2001,” he said.
National Parent-Teacher Associations Collaborative Council president Associate Prof Dr Mohd Ali Hassan did not agree with the federation’s move, saying that it was unfair for school bus operators to pass the burden to parents.
He urged parents to report to the CVLB those who raise their prices without approval.
Federation of Malaysian Consumers Association vice-president K. Koris suggested that the Government reduces road tax to alleviate the burden on school bus operators.
Koris said he sympathised with the operators who had to put up with the higher diesel price but were not allowed to increase their fares.
Google Web Accelerator
1. What is Google Web Accelerator?
Google Web Accelerator is an application that uses the power of Google's global computer network to make web pages load faster. Google Web Accelerator is easy to use; all you have to do is download and install it, and from then on many web pages will automatically load faster than before.
Please note that Google Web Accelerator is currently in beta test mode. If you have any problems using it or have suggestions for how we can improve it, please see the Google Group devoted to it.
Also note that during the first part of our beta testing period, users outside of North America and Europe may not see much improvement in their web page loading speed.
2. How does Google Web Accelerator work?
Google Web Accelerator uses various strategies to make your web pages load faster, including:
- Sending your page requests through Google machines dedicated to handling Google Web Accelerator traffic.
- Storing copies of frequently looked at pages to make them quickly accessible.
- Downloading only the updates if a web page has changed slightly since you last viewed it.
- Prefetching certain pages onto your computer in advance.
- Managing your Internet connection to reduce delays.
- Compressing data before sending it to your computer.
3. Can I use Google Web Accelerator with a dial-up connection?
Dial-up users may not see much improvement, as Google Web Accelerator is currently optimized to speed up web page loading for broadband connections.
4. Does Google Web Accelerator speed up all web pages?
No, it doesn't. For security reasons, Google Web Accelerator won't speed up pages encrypted with the HTTPS: protocol (such as bank records pages). Also, Google Web Accelerator only speeds up web pages, not large data downloads such as MP3 and streaming video files.
5. How does using Google Web Accelerator affect my privacy?
Google Web Accelerator receives much of the same kind of information you currently send to your ISP when you surf the Web:
- Google will receive your requests for unencrypted pages (those with "HTTP:", not "HTTPS:", at the beginning of the URL), along with information such as the date and time of the request, your IP address, and computer and connection information
- If you enter personally identifiable information (such as an email address) onto a form on an unencrypted web page, some sites may send this information through Google. Whenever your computer sends cookies with browsing or prefetching page requests for unencrypted sites, we temporarily cache these cookies in order to improve performance
- In order to speed up the display of pages generally, Google Web Accelerator may store copies of web pages, including prefetched pages that you did not visit, in the Google Web Accelerator cache on your machine. This is separate from your browser's cache, which only identifies pages that you actually visited. You can empty your Google Web Accelerator cache at any time by following these instructions.
The policies for the Google Web Accelerator, like those for Google.com, uphold the highest level of integrity and respect for our users' information. Google will never rent or sell a user's personal information to third parties without a user's explicit permission. To learn more about our privacy practices, please see the Google Web Accelerator Privacy Policy.
6. What are Google Web Accelerator's system requirements?
To use Google Web Accelerator, your computer must have a Windows XP or Windows 2000 SP 3+ operating system. Google Web Accelerator works for the Internet Explorer 5.5+ or Firefox 1.0+ browsers.
7. Can I run Google Web Accelerator on a browser other than Internet Explorer or Firefox?
For other browsers running on Windows, you'll need to manually configure your proxy settings to for HTTP connections.
8. What should webmasters and content providers know about Google Web Accelerator?
If you're a webmaster or content provider interested in learning how Google Web Accelerator works with your site, please see our webmaster FAQ.
Using Google Web Accelerator | [back to top] |
1. How do I install Google Web Accelerator?
Visit http://webaccelerator.google.com to download and install the Google Web Accelerator.
2. How do I get the latest version of Google Web Accelerator?
You don't have to do anything to make sure you always have the latest version of Google Web Accelerator; it automatically updates itself whenever a new version is available.
3. What is the Google Web Accelerator toolbar?
When you start Google Web Accelerator, a new toolbar shows up on all of your browser pages. Here are the icons you'll see on this toolbar and what they mean:
This icon means Google Web Accelerator is up and running The speedometer needle moves to indicate your download speed.
This icon means you've turned off acceleration for the site you're currently visiting (learn how to do this).
This icon means you've turned off Google Web Accelerator entirely (learn how to do this).
When Google Web Accelerator is on, you'll see a Time Saved counter that shows you how much time it has saved you since you installed it (or since you reset the counter).
4. How do I uninstall Google Web Accelerator?
If you decide you don't want to use Google Web Accelerator, here's how to uninstall it:
- Click on Start > Settings > Control Panel to open the Windows Control Panel.
- Click on Add or Remove Programs to open its window.
- Click on Google Web Accelerator. A Remove button will appear below the Google Web Accelerator item.
- Click the Remove button.
- Close the Add or Remove Programs window and the Windows Control Panel.
The Google Web Accelerator Menu | [back to top] |
1. How do I access the Google Web Accelerator menu?
You can bring up the Google Web Accelerator Menu by clicking on the Google Web Accelerator speedometer icon in the toolbar or system tray.
Learn more about each menu item:
Preferences | [back to top] |
1. What Google Web Accelerator preferences can I set?
The Preferences menu option opens this Web Accelerator Preferences page:
Note: To apply your changes, you must click the Save Preferences button after you make them.
- Internet Connection: By default, we assume you're on home DSL broadband, with a speed between 128K and 1M.
If your connection is faster than 1M, click Cable Modem / T1.
If your connection is slower than 128K, click Dialup. - Prefetching Pages: One way that Google Web Accelerator makes web pages load faster is by loading the content of some web pages in advance, even before you click on them (including the top search results on Google). To turn off prefetching, uncheck the Enable Prefetching box.
- Cached Pages: Google Web Accelerator stores (caches) copies of viewed and prefetched pages. If you return to a page, Google Web Accelerator will check for a newer version of the page, unless you turn off this preference.
- Clear Your History: To delete all the web pages stored in your Google Web Accelerator cache, just click the Clear History button.
- Don't Accelerate These Sites: If a site is not compatible with Google Web Accelerator, or if you don't want requests for that site sent through Google, you can specify that it not be accelerated.
2. How do I ask Google Web Accelerator to not accelerate a website?
You can block Google Web Accelerator from speeding up pages from a particular subdomain (for example, www.somesite.com) or from an entire domain (for example, othersite.com, including any subdomains it might have, such as mail.othersite.com, www.othersite.com, news.othersite.com, etc).
To block a specific domain from being accelerated, enter its name (without a leading http://) in the Don't Accelerate These Sites preference's text area. For example, to block www.firstdomain.com and mail.seconddomain.com, just type those names in the text area, each on a separate line, and click the Save Preferences button. You can also block a domain by selecting the Don't accelerate this website toolbar menu item when you visit the website in question.
To block all subdomains at a particular site, just enter a "." followed by the common part of the domain name. For example, to block all subdomains at domain.com, just enter ".domain.com" on a separate line and click the Save Preferences button.
When your browser shows a blocked site, you'll see:
- The toolbar menu item Don't accelerate this website has a checkmark next to it.
- The browser speedometer icon is grayed out:
To unblock a domain, you can delete its entry from the Don't Accelerate These Sites text box and click the Save Preferences button, or uncheck the Don't accelerate this website toolbar menu item.
Performance Data | [back to top] |
1. How can I tell how much time I have saved with Google Web Accelerator?
On the Google Web Accelerator: Performance Statistics page and the toolbar, you can see how much time Google Web Accelerator has saved you. This includes the number of pages that have been loaded and how long these pages would have taken to load with and without Google Web Accelerator.
2. How can I reset the Time Saved counter value?
Clicking the Reset button on the Performance Statistics page will reset the Time Saved counter.
Turning Google Web Accelerator Off (and Back On) | [back to top] |
1. How do I turn Google Web Accelerator off without uninstalling it?
Just click on the Stop Google Web Accelerator menu item. Note that when Google Web Accelerator is turned off, the Google Web Accelerator icon in the system tray goes away. To restart Google Web Accelerator, either go to the Google Web Accelerator Toolbar menu and click Start Google Web Accelerator or select Google Web Accelerator in your Windows Start menu.
If you've made the Google Web Accelerator Toolbar invisible in IE, to access its icon menu you'll have to make it visible again by clicking on View > Toolbars > Google Web Accelerator from your main browser menu toolbar.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
:: Lihat Topik - Block Install Program
group policy editor... win2k dan ke atas shj...
start > run > taip gpedit.msc
kat sini boleh restrict macam2 menda... try la explore satu2..
anyway, kalau tak silap nak disable install pegi kat :
user configuration > administrative template > windows komponen > win installer .. try la dulu
tapi ada software yang booleh deploy restriction utk win98 dan winxp. shareware la... search google: softheap security administrator
kat salah satu lab yang aku jaga ada mesin win98 guna menantang software ni la..
tapi kalau semua mesin XP baik set kat server.. logon scripts policy editor
Monday, May 09, 2005
The Kingdom Of Heaven
There's a new movie now showing called the "Kingdom of Heaven". Here's what one critic said about it. He said that a character in the movie told about a time when he was fighting and he got an arrow in the privates, but he fought on in spite of it. The critic said that was the way he too felt just from sitting and watching the movie. That seemed to sum things up pretty nicely.
5-0: The seventh great victory must be the definitive
A night of goals and a show at Bernabéu. Real Madrid achieved their seventh consecutive victory and the best way they could: making the public enjoy themselves. Two goals from a masterly Raúl, other two from Ronaldo on his way to get the “pichichi” title, and another goal from Owen, make signal that this victory will be the definitive one, the one that will allow Madrid get closer than ever to the League. From the initial whistle, it was clear how the script of the game was going to be. Real Madrid had the control, meanwhile Racing were looking for a loose opportunity with intercepted balls or in the counterattack, to get ahead on the scoreboard. With this share of roles, Madrid´s leadership was translated into goal opportunities through Raúl (3th minute) and Roberto Carlos (9th minute), with two shots that tested the goalkeeper Aouate. From then on, the game went through ten minutes of stoppages due to two encounters between Helguera and Bertín, first and then between Salgado and Bertín once more. But despite these two mishaps Real Madrid maintained theiraim: to drill into Racing´s net. The visitors´s tactics were going to give the first fruits with two occasions through Benayoun and Morán, who warned the local defensive line, though the best part was still to come and not exactly from the Racing´s forwarders. At the minute 28th, Raúl started his recital with a pass over the defence, that reached Ronaldo, who served it to Owen to open the scoreboard. A perfect line-up that made the way easier towards the seventh consecutive victory. We didn´t have to wait much to see 2-0, hardly seven minutes, with another masterly pass over Raúl towards Ronaldo, who was taken down by the Racing´s goalkeeper. A penalty launched by Ronaldo to score, walking with big steps towards the “pichichi” title, and achieved his number 100 goal in the Spanish League. The hardest bit, to open Racing´s net, it was already done, but the night was aiming a bigger victory. Until the break the occasions repeated in both areas, but the scoreboard didn´t change. With Figo and Guti on the pitch, the public didn´t stop cheering up from the stands to a team that were trying to be pleased with themselves. And the fifth goal came from Ronaldo at the end. In the eyes of Madrid´s fans it will forever be a night of goals and show.
Real Madrid went out with two main objectives: the first to achieve the seventh consecutive victory to continue the previous winning period; and the second and more important, to put pressure on Barcelona towards their difficult game against Valencia at Mestalla. Real Madrid´s players have repeated it during the whole week: “ this game where we can make the League more exciting”.
Raúl´s recital
ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE 2004-05: Mourinho: This is just the start
LONDON: Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho may have been thrilled to lift the English Premiership trophy but the Portuguese tactician’s appetite for success was far from satisfied following a 1-0 win over Charlton Athletic. The Blues boss, now on his third consecutive title after twice guiding Porto to the Portuguese championship crown, was adamant this season’s Premiership and League Cup double was just for starters.
Chelsea were presented with the Premiership trophy at their Stamford Bridge home in west London after beating fellow capital club Charlton, 50 years after they first won a top-flight English title.
"I’m proud, I’m tired and I want to go on holiday," Mourinho said. "A lot of feelings all at the same time.
"I’m happy for myself and for the players. We did it, maybe we did it before everybody expected, even inside the club. I’m very happy with this but my nature is not to be happy with what we do. We want more. This is the beginning of a process.
"It’s my first season, I have five more years on contract, I want more for me and I want more for Chelsea. So next season is another season."
Mourinho insisted that masterminding Chelsea’s run to the title at his first attempt was tougher than his double Championship success in Portugal, despite having the vast financial resources of Chelsea’s Russian billionaire owner Roman Abramovich behind him.
"Every title has a feeling, the first because it was the first, the second because it was the second!" an elated Mourinho joked after Chelsea’s final home game of the season.
"This one for me is the third consecutive one but the first in England and the first with Chelsea. The feeling is not different, but it is more difficult to win here."
Chelsea secured the title at Bolton on April 30 with three matches remaining, the nearest challengers Arsenal and Manchester United long since having slipped off the pace.
Mourinho said the tide turned in Chelsea’s favour after a 4-1 victory away to relegation-threatened West Bromwich Albion at the end of October.
A win at home to Everton the following week left the Blues in first place, a position they never relinquished.
When champions Arsenal lost at Bolton on Jan 15 to leave Chelsea 10 points clear at the summit, Mourinho sensed the game was up for their London rivals.
"For me, the game where we celebrated for the first time, not the title, was in the bus after we beat Tottenham at White Hart Lane.
"Arsenal lost while we were in the bus because they played after us. Not that we had won the league, but from then on we knew that it was very difficult for anyone to catch us."
Chelsea beat Charlton thanks to an injury-time strike from Claude Makelele following a penalty, the former France midfielder’s first goal for the Blues in 94 appearances.
The 32-year-old’s spot-kick was saved by Danish goalkeeper Stephan Andersen but he bundled in the rebound.
"I always write a diagram in the dressing room beforehand," Mourinho explained.
"And I was saying: a penalty — Lampard. But if there’s a penalty in the 90th minute and it’s 2-0 — Makelele.
"I think they were in luck because in training yesterday (Friday) Makelele missed two in two," he revealed.
The softly-spoken grafter admitted the effort was unlikely to spark a hot streak of goalscoring.
"It’s true that it’s my first of the season so I’m happy," Makelele said.
"It’s a shame that it was a penalty but before the match we discussed it and I’m pleased they offered me the privilege." — AFP
Fatal distractions?
SEVERAL years back, a colleague had a long-distance love affair with a guy she met on the Internet.
To minimise substantial increase on both their telephone bills, the couple relied heavily on e-mail.
At that time, short message service (SMS) was not yet available and so e-mail remained their main means of communications.
They would “talk” via e-mail, translating each emotion into words before hitting the “Enter” key.
Joy, sadness, anger, and even their deepest secrets were transmitted digitally across oceans that separated them.
In addition to e-mail accounts from their Internet access service providers, they also utilised many other Web-based e-mail services that were readily available for free.
Without fail, each would check his and her e-mail as consistent as the rate of their heartbeat.
With SMS going mainstream, similar consistency can be observed with people communicating with their loved ones via SMS.
Cheaper and faster technological means to whisper those terms of endearment are keeping many love birds “high” on cloud nine even at the workplace.
Maybe something is indeed messing with their heads.
According news reports, a study done in the United Kingdom showed that workers distracted by e-mail, text messages and phone calls suffer a greater loss of IQ than a person smoking marijuana.
Unfortunately for the employers, such constant interruptions could reduce productivity and leave people feeling tired and lethargic.
The study also showed the IQ of those studied who tried to juggle messages and work fell by 10 points.
This is the equivalent to missing a whole night’s sleep and more than double the four-point decrease observed after smoking marijuana.
Either love or technology, they are definitely “high” on something.
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Suasana dalam rumah lebih canggih, elit
CHONG menunjukkan bilik mandi serba canggih dilengkapikemudahan urut, shower dan sistem audio.
Pada zaman serba moden ini, mereka yang inginkan penampilan hidup mewah boleh memiliki apa saja kerana banyak syarikat dan gedung perniagaan menyediakan pelbagai keperluan yang boleh mewarnai kehidupan anda seharian.
Bagaikan satu kemestian, ruang tamu, dapur, bilik air dan bilik tidur harus dilengkapi pelbagai keperluan serta kemudahan seperti kabinet, perabot, bahan hiasan dan kemudahan bilik mandi yang mampu menampilkan suasana lebih ceria.
Namun, bagi mereka yang mementingkan gaya hidup terancang, sama ada mampu atau tidak bukanlah menjadi soal, yang penting gaya hidup harus disesuaikan dengan peredaran zaman.
SUASANA ruang tamu hasil sentuhan Pearl Point
yang menonjolkan imej korporat dan kontemporari.
Di Sungai Petani, Kedah, sebuah syarikat dikenali SP Pearl Home Galleries menyediakan pelbagai peralatan dan keperluan rumah bagi mereka yang inginkan penampilan penuh bergaya.
Syarikat terbabit yang mempunyai kedai serta pejabat di Kompleks Niaga di Legenda Height berhampiran gedung beli-belah Tesco menumpukan perniagaan pelbagai keperluan rumah serba canggih yang hanya mampu dimiliki golongan berada.
Pengurus Besar syarikat itu, Chong Yoon Phin, 37, berkata meskipun kebanyakan barangan terutama berkaitan keperluan dapur dan bilik mandi dari jenis berjenama yang diimport, produk keluaran tempatan turut disediakan dengan harga berpatutan.
Beliau berkata, syarikatnya mempunyai prinsip sendiri dengan mengetengahkan produk berimej global supaya masyarakat dapat mengikuti aliran zaman yang mampu mengubah persekitaran serta gaya hidup lebih moden.
tetapi sebenarnya alat pewangi
udara yang sesuai diletakkan
di bilik tidur dan ruang tamu.
“Cara ini juga saya rasa dapat mendidik masyarakat supaya tidak menganggap gaya hidup mewah itu sebagai satu pembaziran, sebaliknya harus dilihat dari segi kemampuan membangunkan ekonomi yang mampu mengubah cara hidup keluarga.
“Kerana faktor itulah, SP Pearl Home Sdn Bhd berusaha memperkenalkan produk `generasi millineum' agar masyarakat terutama penduduk Kedah tidak akan mengalami kejutan budaya moden,” katanya ketika ditemui di kedainya baru-baru ini.
Sesuai dengan harga, boleh dikatakan barangan yang dijual syarikat berkenaan mempunyai reka bentuk menarik. Malah, ada antara produk seperti basin mandi urut badan (massage bath), alat pewangi udara dan bilik mandi berwap (steam bath) diperbuat menepati ciri-ciri gaya hidup global.
Yang lain pun seperti kepala paip, cermin muka, pintu bilik air dan kabinet juga mampu menyerlahkan suasana rumah dengan kepelbagaian reka bentuk serta corak yang menepati cita rasa generasi alaf baru.
Sebagai contoh, kos yang perlu disediakan bagi memiliki bilik mandi berwap diperbuat daripada gentian kaca dilengkapi pelbagai kemudahan seperti sistem audio, alat urut, shower, lampu serta kemudahan air panas dan sejuk itu antara RM800 dan RM15,000 seunit.
Baru-baru ini, syarikat itu mengadakan pameran selama 18 hari di pusat beli-belah Central Square Sungai Petani dengan menawarkan potongan harga istimewa bagi setiap produk yang dijual.
Terry, ibarat kereta kebal British
SEJAK berusia 14 tahun lagi dia sudah memberi gambaran betapa cerah masa
depannya dalam dunia bola sepak ketika beraksi dengan skuad remaja
Chelsea FC di Stamford Bridge â gelanggang yang kemudian memartabatkan
namanya di antara idola pujaan global.
Hakikat itu makin terserlah apabila pakar bola sepak mula menilai
kemampuan besar milik John Terry yang kini dilabel tonggak kelab
pendahulu Liga Perdana Inggeris itu dan juga skuad England.
Sebagaimana pemain muda lain dia juga ada idolanya dan pemain berkenaan
adalah Marcel Desaily yang mengajar anak muda ini erti cabaran selaku
pemain pertahanan. Tunjuk ajar daripada bekas kapten pasukan Perancis
itu dijadikan satu iktibar untuk berjaya.Marcel banyak mengajar saya ketika saya bergelut mencari nama. Petua dan nasihat daripadanya amat berguna dan saya banyak menggunakan dalam permainan saya pada hari ini,â kata pemain ini yang sudah pun merasai dua gelaran musim ini iaitu Piala Carling dan kemudian diumumkan Pemain
Terbaik PFA 2005, Ahad lalu.
Jelas komitmen dan kesungguhan mahu berjaya seperti Desaily makin terpancar pada permainan Terry. Dia juga mendapat inspirasi sama daripada seorang lagi pemain Perancis yang menjuarai Piala Dunia 1998, iaitu Frank Leboeuf.
Marcel sendiri pernah menyebut bahawa pemain ini yang ibarat kereta kebal British pasti akan menjadi legenda Chelsea satu hari nanti kerana sanggup belajar dan memiliki visi bola sepak yang baik â ada kalanya jauh lebih baik daripada pemain senior.
Pengurus pasukan, Jose Mourinho yang menyerahkan lilitan kapten kepada anak didik pada 2004 lebih jauh ke hadapan dalam penilaian mengenai pemain berbadan sasa dari Barking, London.
Pengendali dari Portugal itu ber kata: âTerry adalah pemain pertahanan terbaik dunia pada hari ini.â Tidak dinafikan ada kebenaran dalam kata-kata itu buat menghuraikan prestasi Terry yang bukan sahaja membentuk benteng kebal malah ada sentuhan jaringan pada saat-saat penting, khususnya menerusi tandukan menggunakan ketinggian dan bijak mencari ruang penyudah.
Segala ciri-ciri dimiliki itu kini membuatnya menjadi aset penting untuk Chelsea, malah pengurus skuad England, Sven Goran Eriksson sudah mula menilai dia sebagai tonggak bek tengah â cuma dia keliru siapa harus dipisahkan di antara Sol Campbell dan Rio Ferdinand.
Ada satu ketika peluang dia beraksi di pentas antarabangsa hampir musnah apabila dia terbabit dalam pergaduhan dengan pengawal keselamatan kelab malam di Wellington Club, Knightsbridge. Dia bersama Jody Morris dan pemain pertahanan Wimbledon, Des Byrne ditahan polis.
Terry dilarang daripada mewakili England pada semua peringkat dan paling menyedihkan Eriksson terpaksa menyisihkan pemain berbakat itu daripada skuad Piala Dunia 2002 di Jepun dan Korea Selatan. Dia hanya bebas daripada segala tuduhan itu pada Ogos 2002.
TARIKH LAHIR: 7 Disember 1980
ASAL: Barking, London
POSISI: Bek tengah
KELAB: Chelsea FC
JUMLAH GOL: Lapan (termasuk empat dalam Liga Juara-Juara Eropah)
PERLAWANAN PERTAMA: 28 Oktober 1998 mln Aston Villa
JARINGAN PERTAMA: 20 Februari 2000 mln Gillingham
MULA WAKILI ENGLAND: 3 Jun 2003 mln Serbia & Montenegro
ANUGERAH: Pemain Terbaik PFA 2004/2005
Tahukah Anda?
JOHN Terry adalah pemain Inggeris pertama memenangi trofi Pemain
Terbaik PFA sejak Teddy Sheringham pada 2001 sambil muncul pemain
pertahanan yang pertama dipilih bagi pengiktirafan itu sejak Paul McGrath pada 1993.
Pemain kebangsaan England itu juga adalah pemenang anugerah Pemain Muda
Terbaik Chelsea pada 1998-99 dalam tahun pertama beraksi sambil berjaya
mengatasi rakan lebih senior dalam skuad remaja.
Membuat kemunculan untuk Chelsea dalam Piala Worthingtonâ menentang
Aston Villa pada musim 1999-2000. Kemudian menyertai Nottingham Forest
atas pinjaman selama enam minggu dan bermain enam kali.
PASUKAN EPL 2004/2005
Petr Cech (Chelsea)PERTAHANAN
Gary Neville (Man Utd)
John Terry (Chelsea)
Rio Ferdinand (Man Utd)
Ashley Cole (Arsenal)
Frank Lampard (Chelsea)
Steven Gerrard (Liverpool)
Arjen Robben (Chelsea)
Shaun Wright-Phillips (Man City)
Thierry Henry (Arsenal)
Andrew Johnson (C Palace)
2000 Roy Keane (Man United)
2001 Teddy Sheringham (Man United)
2002 Ruud Van Nistelrooy (Man United)
2003 Thierry Henry (Arsenal)
2004 Thierry Henry (Arsenal)
2004 John Terry (Chelsea)
Thierry Henry (Arsenal)
Frank Lampard (Chelsea)
Steven Gerrard (Liverpool)
Scott Parker (Chelsea)
Shaun Wright Phillips (Man City)
Kolo Toure (Arsenal)
Frank Lampard (Chelsea)
Steven Gerrard (Liverpool)
Thierry Henry (Arsenal)
John Terry (Chelsea)
Petr Cech (Chelsea)
Andrew Johnson (C Palace)
Arjen Robben (Chelsea)
Jermain Defoe (Tottenham)
Stewart Downing (Middlesbrough)
Cristiano Ronaldo (Man United)
Wayne Rooney (Man United)
Parallel ATA vs. SCSI:
PATA drive technology has improved over the years and has replaced SCSI in many applications due to their lower cost and improved performance. PATA technology is designed to be used with short cables (about 17 inches) inside the computer cabinet, while SCSI supports longer cables making it the choice for external storage and for high performance RAID systems. Serial ATA allows for one-meter cables and is
possible to create high-speed external disk arrays.
Parallel ATA (PATA) or what has been called ATA:
If you plan on editing using DV or DVCAM as your source, 7200-RPM PATA Ultra DMA drives offer plenty of bandwidth. There is no need to consider a RAID storage system. A single PATA-133 disk drive connected to an ATA-66 or ATA-100 port will sustain 35 MB/sec reads and high as 45 MB/sec on writes. DV and DVCAM use only 3.6 MB/sec and will run clean with a minimum sustain rate of 7 MB/sec.
Serial ATA (SATA):
What is Serial-ATA (SATA) and why was it developed? SATA is an evolutionary replacement for the existing Parallel-ATA (PATA) data storage interface. SATA is scalable and allows for future enhancements. SATA is a drop-in solution in that it is compatible with today’s software, which will run without modification. It provides cables that are simpler to route and install, smaller cable connectors, and lower voltages not possible with PATA.
Will there still be PATA when SATA is readily available?
There will be a window of time where both PATA and SATA will be available. Many expect that within a couple of years that SATA will dominate. Apple’s G5 computers come with 2 SATA ports. Some PC motherboards come with both PATA and SATA ports. SATA PCI cards are available now with more to come includes those with up to four ports.
What are the benefits of SATA?
End users will benefit with easy upgrades to their storage. Configuration of SATA devices will be much simpler, with no requirements of jumper and settings. Other considerations include:
A 150 MB/sec interface rate (not to be confused with the data rate of a single drive)
Enhanced data reliability
Longer and thinner cables – up to one meter or about 3 feet
Snap-in like connectors
No master/slave jumpers to set
Master only will improve performance of striped hard disk drive pairs
Latency more like that of SCSI thus RAID-0 to be much faster than PATA
What is the cost to implement SATA in a system?
The cost of SATA will start out somewhat more expensive than PATA but will rapidly drop to the same cost as PATA.
Beyond hard disks, will SATA be used on, optical drives, DVD, and ZIP drives?
SATA supports all ATA and ATAPI devices, including CDs, DVDs, tapes devices, high capacity removable devices, zip drives, and CDRWs.
What are some compelling reasons why SATA is viable?
Price: SATA was created, with desktop prices in mind, as a replacement for PATA. Initial hard disk drives are expected to be priced competitively for the desktop.
Cabling: SATA employs a thin, point-to-point connection, which allows for easy cable routing within a system. This avoids master/slave, "daisy-chaining", and termination issues. Also, better airflow can be realized compared to systems with wider ribbon cables.
Performance: The first SATA bus technology can deliver as much as 1.5 Gbps (150 MB/sec) of performance to each drive within a disk drive array and migrating to 3.0 gigabits per second (300 MB/s), then to 6.0 gigabits per second (600 MB/s).
This roadmap supports up to 10 years of storage evolution. The maximum rate of PATA drives today is about 72 MB/sec. But remember this is the bus rate and should not be confused with the data rate of a single PATA or SATA disk drive. The choke point remains the disk drive not the bus. A single PATA or SATA drive will remain about 35 to 45 MB/sec. With SATA multiple disk drives can be striped with performance near that of SCSI.
So you see, 35 to 45 MB/sec from current PATA or SATA technology is more than enough for DV and DVCAM. However, single PATA or SATA disk drives do not produce high enough sustained rates for uncompressed SD video. In the mirror faced G4 computers that have 3 ATA ports one can add 4 additional PATA drives that can be stripped as RAID-0 that will produce sustained data rates high enough for uncompressed SD video. In this case it is best to move the boot drive to the lower optical drive and connect it to a PCI ATA card. In the new G5’s there is only room for two SATA drives (one for boot and one for data) thus if more is need one must go externally.
The Highest Priced Phone May Not Be the Best
Since early February 2005, Verizon and Qwest have been in a bidding war for MCI, the nation’s second-largest long-distance telephone carrier, after AT&T Corp. Qwest and Verizon each view MCI’s business as a critical piece to compete against the expected merger of SBC and AT&T. The MCI bidding first started with Qwest attempting a takeover bid for MCI. By February 10th, Verizon had entered the market for MCI. Within a week MCI’s board approved Verizon’s $20.35 per share offer, shunning Qwest’s higher bid in favor of what it believes are better business prospects with Verizon. This did not stop Qwest from trying to win over MCI shareholders because of its higher bid. Over the next three months, at least three new bids from Verizon and Qwest were reviewed by MCI board members.
On May 2, 2005, MCI’s Board accepted an enhanced offer from Verizon Communications Inc. MCI’s board has agreed to Verizon’s lower priced-offer mainly based on the current capital structure of Qwest. Qwest, based in Denver, is the fourth-largest local telephone company in the U.S., with a stock-market value of about $7 billion. It also has roughly $17.3 billion in debt, and the deal for MCI, of Ashburn, VA, is viewed as crucial to Qwest’s prospects. Qwest has been suffering local access line losses at nearly four per cent per year for the past several years. Qwest’s debt rating is similar to MCI, B2, which generally reflects operating struggles due to the intense competitive nature of the telecommunications industry. Moody’s believed a merger of MCI and Qwest would only work if redundant network costs were eliminated while also stabilizing top line revenue declines in both companies’ core businesses. The potential deal of Qwest/MCI would also create a levered company that would not be able to handle a downturn in the economy. With too many what concerns, MCI Board decided the Verizon deal would maximize shareholder value over the long-term.
The merger with Verizon will capitalize on the complementary strengths of the two companies and will create one of the world’s leading provider’s of global communication services. With more than $71 billion in annual revenues and a market value of about $99BN, Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE:VZ) is one of the world's leading providers of communications services. Verizon has a diverse work force of 214,000 in four business units: Domestic Telecom provides customers with wire line and other telecommunications services, including broadband. Verizon Wireless owns and operates the nation's most reliable wireless network, serving 45.5 million voice and data customers across the United States. Information Services operates directory publishing businesses and provides electronic commerce services. International includes wire line and wireless operations and investments, primarily in the Americas and Europe. MCI would be its fifth business unit focusing in the long distance market.
We believe that MCI’s Board made the right decision by accepting the Verizon deal. As companies determine who is a good partner, all aspects of the company and the business must be evaluated. Synergies are a major factor in determining if a company is a good fit. The nature of the telecommunications industry requires that effective competitors have financial strength and a full array of offerings. The financial strength was one of many factors in why MCI decided to choose Verizon. Another factor MCI was the reaction by current customers backing the deal with Verizon. The high leverage position of Qwest was a deterrent for MCI due to its uncertainty of sustainability in a downturn of the economy.
The one factor that is over looked in the deal is the consumer. As the telecommunications industry continues to consolidate, competition may lessen which could lead to price increases. The government could try to regulate this increased competition, but new government regulation started the furious rush of mergers. The government increased operating costs for long distance carriers, which is why many long distance companies are trying to merge to create synergies going forward.
Overall, MCI’s board has proven its worth by addressing all issues and deciding what they think is sustainable shareholder value and growth over the long-term. There are many issues that can affect the outcome, but at least the MCI’s board has started in the right direction, despite taking a discount now.
David Smith, Troy Stalter, Greg Watson
Long distance relationships? Make it work out!
Emails are one of the ways you guys keep in touch. Save all those emails, bound them and give them to your mate as a gift when you guys are back together.
What you can do is make a chain out of construction paper with a special memory, quotation or funny story on each link. For each day you are apart with your partner, make sure there is one link for her or him to tear off. This will be like a daily reminder from you to your partner that your love him/her.
Give your partner a call once in awhile just to say how much you love her/him and how much you miss her/him.
Surprise your partner with random packages or mail. They will think it's sweet when they least expect to receive it.
Here are only few suggestions from me. Maybe you already have your own way and tips for your long distance relationships to work out. Still, you may add these ones for a change.