Slickr adalah 'screensaver' yang berdasarkan 'openGL' yang ambik gambar2 dari Flikr berdasarkan pada Tag, user dan Group yang kita pilih. Translation diantara gambar yang digunakan adalah jenis smooth fading. Kita dibenarkan menetapkan konfigurasi untuk masa diantara imej2, dan macam2 lagi...
Pastikan anda mempunyai akaun flickr untuk menggunakan aplikasi ini.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
cuti habis, semester baru dimulai
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Gmail::G2G: Share files with your Gmail account
I regret having to add this one to the "great ideas that probably won't last long" list: G2G is a service that lets you use your Gmail account to share files, kind of like YouSendIt, MegaUpload, and the like. The trick is that it's all based on Gmail's storage and Gmail's bandwidth, and though it's a bit quirky (the "beta" tag isn't just for giggles), it's extremely well put together. You register your Gmail account with G2G (they, and I, recommend that you create a new Gmail account for the purpose since you give them complete access to all its contents) and then any files stored as attachments will be available to other G2G users to either download directly or to send to their Gmail account. If you don't want all of your files available to others, you can set it up to only index files with a certain Gmail label, and you can use other labels to organize your shared files into folders. On top of all that, G2G's developers have put a clean interface and some slick AJAX goodness, and with Google's bandwidth downloads are lightning-fast. Perhaps my one gripe is that in order to download files, users must firest register with the service.
So, after all that praise, why do I put G2G in the "probably won't last long" category? Well, G2G is a clear violation of Gmail's Terms of Service, and by the time it gains the sort of critical mass it needs to succeed, Google will have long since pulled the plug, either by technical means or by way of Cease & Desist. Which isn't to say I won't be keeping my fingers crossed for G2G's survival, but I have a feeling it's going to take something more along the lines of a miracle.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Balik UTM
Gua akan naik bas pukul 8 malam. Bas Transnasional, bussines class. rasanya 3 seat.
Akan bersama2 gua malam ni dua lagi sahabat gua yang sama2 belajar kat UTM, Skudai.
sorang kaha dan sorang lagi sepu.
Tidak seperti biasa. kali ni gua takla sunyi sangat dalam bas. nanti nak turun minum ke apa ker, meriahla sikit....
oh, ya. mungkin buat beberapa hari ni gua tak sempat update blog. yela, baru sampai, nak kemas bilik lagi, daftar itu, daftar ini.... mungkin ambik masa beberapa hari gak...
anyway, pada sesapa yang telah feed rss untuk blog gua ni, mungkin ianya akan kosong untuk tiga empat hari... tapi takpe.... akan diupdate lagi lepas ni...
mintak2 pendaftaran wireless dibuka awal. mudah gua nak online....
oklah... tu la dulu... chow...
Friday, December 23, 2005
Gmail: Akaun telah dibuka kepada Awam!!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
UUM tangguh semua kuliah
Naib Canselornya, Datuk Dr Nordin Kardi, berkata penangguhan dibuat memandangkan banjir yang melanda sebahagian besar Kedah menghalang pelajar pulang ke kampus universiti di Sintok.
Selain itu, bekalan air yang terputus di UUM akibat banjir boleh menimbulkan masalah jika pelajar berada di kampus lebih awal.
“Sehubungan itu, saya meminta semua pelajar UUM kembali mendaftar di kolej kediaman masing-masing mulai 29 hingga 30 Disember ini,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan semalam.
Beliau berkata, pelajar lama akan memulakan kuliah pada 31 Disember, manakala pelajar baru 1 Januari.
“Tempoh pendaftaran pelajar baru semester kedua sesi 2005/2005 juga dilanjutkan sehingga 31 Disember dan boleh dilakukan di Jabatan Hal Ehwal Akademik,” katanya.
Dr Nordin berkata, pendaftaran gugur dan tambah kursus secara online dilanjutkan sehingga 5 Januari depan.
Pada masa sama, beliau menasihatkan pelajar UUM sentiasa mengikuti perkembangan universiti melalui laman web atau menghubungi talian 04-9283117 atau 04-9283155. "
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
More new Gmail features
One of the new features is "Web Clips". They will enable you to view your favourite RSS feeds right in Gmail just above the archive and report spam area. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like it will be integrated with Google Reader.
Viewing some types of attachments is also getting easier. For Microsoft Office, Open Office or PDF attachments you will be able to view them as "HTML" by clicking the link similar to the one you find on search engine result pages. This will save time by allowing people to view their attachments without downloading anything.
Google will now also scan your emails and display relevant information about things it finds in your email, such as driving directions and package tracking. This mashup information will be displayed on the right hand side of the screen — probably above the Google ads.
The web clips feature seems as though they are attempting to mimic the relatively new RSS feature in Yahoo! Mail's beta test. From what I can tell, the Web Clips feature won't be accessible like a folder, but more like a simple news ticker which makes it slightly different.
Update 2:
As many of the readers of this article have mentioned, these features have been available for quite a while for some users. That said, many users still do not have these features — including myself — which makes me believe the news should more accurately be that they are going to release these features to *everyone* in the coming days.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Layout berubah...
masuk arini agaknya dah sebulan lebih tak update blog...
bukan malas... padahal hari2 gua log masuk... sj tak update...
ni sumer sebab layout blog gua ni, tiba2 berubah.. kalo lawa takpela gak...
column yg kat tepi tu jadik besar... gara2 guna firefox versi baru... 1.5.
sebab tu la gua jadi malas nak update... nak baiki balik kod2 tu yg malas...
itulah, gua ingat nak slow sikitla blog pasal diri ni....bukan taknak teruskan... Honestly, I prefer to remain anonymous online. It keeps me more honest with myself and with you as a reader. I may air my dirty laundry, but because you don't know who I am, I still feel as though I have some privacy.
Maybe, after this, i create a website with more powerfull...
skang nih gua tgh edit file2 html gua yg lama... (dulu dah ader personal website).
harap2 dapat publish secepat mungkin...