Saturday, May 07, 2005

Incomplete skeletal remains of missing man found: Mystery Death

May 7:

GOMBAK: One chapter of the mystery surrounding the 29-day disappearance of nasi lemak seller Jamilullai Muhd Hussney has ended with the gruesome find of his skeletal remains yesterday.

However, many questions have also been raised as to what happened to Jamilullai after his car plunged down the 200-metre ravine at Batu 18 Jalan Gombak Lama.

Police do not know how his car ended in the ravine or why a group of Myanmar workers staying in a kongsi not far from where his car was found did not check out the accident.

That Jamilullai’s body was found some 10 metres from the car, discovered on April 30, has also raised some questions.

Was he trying to get help when he collapsed from his injuries? Did he die from the injuries or was he killed by animals, as tigers and panthers are known to prowl in this area.

For Jamilullai’s wife, Rogayah Othman, however, the gruesome find will allow the family, including their three children, to give him a proper burial.

An Orang Asli from Batu 12 Jalan Gombak Lama stumbled on the remains yesterday afternoon.

The man, who was looking for rattan and herbs for traditional medicine, came across the remains.

He alerted Gombak police, who later found the deceased’s dark blue baju melayu, which contained, among others a Nokia cell phone and a cigarette lighter as well as a sarong.

Rogayah, who rushed to the scene as soon as she heard the news, confirmed that her husband was last seen clad in those clothes on April 8.

The remains were sent to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital mortuary.

The unanswered questions on what happened to Jamillulai may be answered when pathologists conduct a post-mortem.

Selangor CID chief Senior Assistant Commissioner II Hadi Ho Abdullah said police have classified the case as a traffic incident, pending further investigations.

“There are sharp bends and it is possibile that he could have lost control of his vehicle and skidded into the ravine,” he said.

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